Ancient Civilizations

Most ancient civilizations based their cosmology and cosmogony on a flat motionless plane with an enclosed dome-like structure.

They could tell you how the luminaries can look in tonight’s sky since we live in a never-ending predictable cycle.

The funny part of it all is they had NO IDEA they were spinning over 1000 miles per hour on a space ball that was ALSO travelling at 67,000,000 on it’s annual journey around the sun that happens to be 93 million miles away, WHILE the sun was was dragging the entire solar system with it at over 500,000 miles per hour throughout a galaxy that’s soaring at millions of miles per hour throughout the universe.

They had no idea.

BEFORE you call them uneducated fools that thought the earth was flat, have a GOOD look at these ancient achievements science can’t explain today.

Unlocking Orion and the Stationary Earth

The three largest pyramids of Giza are STILL aligned to the stars in Orion’s Belt today.

Ancient Hidden History

It wasn’t until 1543 when the freemason, Nicolaus Copernicus came up with a new astronomical model that placed the sun in the center of the solar system, instead of the earth.