
When you pour water into a cup, it becomes level and contained.

The water in a puddle is also level and contained.

The water in your bathtub is also level and contained.

The water in your swimming pool is also level and contained.

The water in a pond is also level contained.

The water in a lake is also level and contained.

So WHY would the oceans WRAP AROUND a spinning space ball while NOT being contained?   

Listen to what Admiral Richard E. Byrd says

Do you ever wonder why you can see a “Pacman” in the middle of Antarctica while viewing it on Google Earth?  

Look at the “stitching” they HAD to do.  It’s tough work turning a flat plane into a spinning space ball.  I guess something had to give. 

Why the deception regarding the 24 hour Antarctica sun?

Do you ever wonder why there is a treaty signed by the members of the United Nations that prevent independent exploration south of the 60th parallel?

Is Antarctica The Key To Flat Earth?

The Final Experiment  – Eric Dubay

The Final Experiment  – Fakery